About the soccer-schools: civilizator process and pedagogic practices


  • Renato Beschizza Valentin Departamento de Educação Física-Unesp Presidente Prudente SP
  • Marilia Coelho Departamento de Planejamento, ambiente e urbanismo-Unesp Presidente Prudente SP




Representações sociais. Escolinhas de futebol. Sentidos. Práticas pedagógicas. Sociologia configuracional.


This study troubled about to understand and to analyze the meanings of social representations of soccer-school’s teachers at Presidente Prudente/SP about their pedagogic practices. We delineated as study population a group of three teachers, whereas one of them acts at soccer-schools since the beginning of his professional life and the others were Physical Education students who developed apprenticeship at soccer-schools and at similar institutions. The data were collected by means of the application of semi-structured interviews. Data analyses were done though the speech analysis ruled by the theoretician and methodological approach of social representations and the figurational sociology. We could capture some very strong meanings related as a net to the process of representations construction. They are: discipliner; evolutionist; moralist; and technicist. This study bring discussion and critiques about the quotidian of soccer-schools that can be useful for teachers that act at this area.





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