Impingement Syndrome in shoulder, consequent of sports practice: a bibliograph review


  • Rodrigo Inoue Faggioni Departamento de Educação Física UNIFRAN Franca SP
  • Ricardo Dantas de Lucas Departamento de Educação Física UNIFRAN Franca SP
  • Ariel David Freitas Al Gazi Departamento de Biologia Aplicada a Agropecuária FCAV/UNESP Jaboticabal SP



Ombro. Lesões. Síndrome do Pinçamento. Excesso de uso


The physical education teachers have been restricting their work to the traditional sports, that are superficially transmitted and usually spread without any systematization. The objective of this study was to investigate how experienced teachers systematize the Physical Education contents in their lectures from the fifth to eighth grades, using a qualitative research. The information was acquired through the bibliographic review and semi structured interview oriented by a series of questions with six experienced physical education teachers. The teachers systematize their contents during the year with a collective sport as a main content, and others contents disposed parallel during the year, in this case, the games and the others sports, but there are no changes in the school cycle. The main judgment is the difficulty of contents from the point of view on the procedure, what is more difficult to be executed usually is left to the end of the year. We understand that to teach such contents or practice in different grades requires that teachers make use of different treatments, as in terms of the knowledge as in methodological terms.

Author Biography

Ricardo Dantas de Lucas, Departamento de Educação Física UNIFRAN Franca SP

UNIFRAN – Depto. de Educação Física Av. Dr. Armando Salles de Oliveira, 201 Pq. Universitário Franca SP 14404-600 Cx. Postal 82




