Experiences of labor gymnastic and improvement of the quality of life of the worker: results presented by employees adminitratives of the institute of physics of the University of São Paulo (Campus São Carlos)


  • Gizele de Cássia Martins USP - São Carlos
  • Selva Maria Guimarães Barreto UFSCar




Trabalhadores, Ginástica Laboral, Qualidade de Vida


The technological progress, ally to the emphasis offered to the form of verbal human expression in detriment to the corporal expression altered, and it is altering the relationship manners drastically among the individuals in his/her life atmosphere and also of work. As result, we found the sedentarismo settling from very early and being extended by every príodo of the human being's life. That reality generated, and it generates, disastrous consequences to the quality of life of countless labor sections of our society, being this the reality lived by the employees of the Institute of Physics of USP of São Carlos, in function of an intense routine of work and of responsibilities. This way, and tends as base the premises that: we passed great part of our lives involved with the work; and that the practice of physical exercises is essential for a to live healthy, we presented in this text the results obtained by a group of employees of IFSC submitted to existences of Labor Gymnastic during the years from 2002 to 2005, concerning results obtained in the capacity flexibility and improvement of the life quality. As evaluation instruments were used a questionnaire about the current pains of the daily work, test of to sit down and to reach, flexitest and satisfaction questionnaire with the program. The results indicated that the program was demonstrated cash in the improvement of the quality of the employees' of IFSC life not only due to the acting improvement in the tests of to sit down (verified through test T student) and to reach and flexitest, but also for the reduction of the incidence of muscular pains and/or posturais during the work and when waking up. Key words: Workers. Labor Gymnastic. Quality of Life.

Author Biographies

Gizele de Cássia Martins, USP - São Carlos

Centro de Educação Física Esportes e Recreação (CEFER) Área: Ginástica Laboral, Treinamento Físico, Educação Física Escolar

Selva Maria Guimarães Barreto, UFSCar

Professora do Curso de Educação Física, pertencente ao Deparatmento de Educação Física e Motricidade Humana. Área de atuação: aprendizagem motora, treinamento e educação física escolar





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