Information For Authors

We exclusively accept manuscripts written in English. To verify originality, all submitted manuscripts undergo an extensive review process. This includes an originality check using a plagiarism checker. If any evidence of plagiarism is detected prior to the review, the manuscript will be promptly rejected, and the corresponding author will be notified. In cases where plagiarism is identified after acceptance or even post-publication, authors will be granted an opportunity to provide a rebuttal. The final decision rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

Motriz Journal uses a single-blind review system;

Following acceptance and the production process, a PDF file will be emailed to the corresponding authors for proofreading. Alongside the proofs, a consent form for publication and transfer of copyright will also be sent to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is responsible for signing this form on behalf of any co-authors and returning it via email to the Editorial Office.

The Editor-in-Chief holds the final decision regarding manuscript acceptance or rejection.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, any addition, removal, or rearrangement of authors will not be permitted. If the corresponding author wishes to modify authorship during the reviewing process, confirmation from the author being added or removed must be included.

Publication fee: Starting from July 2019, Motriz Journal will implement a publication fee to support its maintenance. Despite receiving subsidies from public institutions, the financial support is insufficient for the production of the journal. The details of the charged amount are provided below.

As of July 2019, Motriz Journal has introduced publication fees for all accepted articles. The fee amounts are as follows:

BRL 550.00 (Brazilian Reais) or US $350.00 (United States Dollars)

No charges will be incurred during the submission process. Upon acceptance, authors will receive the requisite proof of payment. This documentation can be utilized to request reimbursement from their home institutions, graduate programs, or research agencies.