Testicular morphology and histochemical of Pseudonannolene tocaiensis
The testicle of Pseudonannolene tocaiensis Fontanetti, 1996, consists of a large deferent duct composed by a simple secretory epithelium, to which numerous testicular vesicles are attached by a short pedicle. The testicular vesicles are formed by an epithelial wall; the cells of this wall give rise to the gametocytes that gradually fill the vesicles’ lumen. There is a synchronism in the development of the cells inside each testicular vesicle, that is, only one developmental stage (either spermatozoa, spermatids, spermatocytes, or spermatogonies) is found occupying a single vesicle. The mature testicular vesicles, those that carry mature spermatozoa, present a very peculiar constitution: a) a peripheric portion, b) a central portion with typical secretory characteristics, and c) between these two portions, there is an intermediary portion where the spermatozoa can be found. Histochemical data are the first time reported in the testicles of the group. The results suggest that the testicular vesicles and the deferent duct are responsible for the production of the spermatic liquid in species of Pseudonannolene. Key Words: Diplopoda, histochemistry, morphology, testicular vesicle.Downloads
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