<b>Conteúdos de compostos fenólicos e flavonóides em plantas de camomila (<i>Matricaria recutita</i> L. - Asteraceae) cultivadas <i>in vivo</i> e <i>in vitro</i></b>


  • Eveline Carla da Rocha Tavano Instituto de Biociências, UNESP, Univ Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Química e Bioquímica, C. P. 510, 18618-970 - Botucatu, SP, Brasil
  • Armando Reis Tavares Instituto de Botânica, Seção de Ornamentais, C.P. 4005, 01061-970 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Massanori Takaki Unesp - Instituto de Biociências - Depto. de Botânica
  • Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima


The aim of this work was to evaluate the phenol and flavonoids content in chamomile cultivated in vitro, and plants cultivated in the field. Seeds of chamomile had been cultivated in the field and in vitro on MS medium. Seedling from the in vitro culture, were grown in similar medium increased of growths regulators BAP and/or NAA. The phenol and flavonoids total contents had been extracted from the aerial part, roots and calluses. The results showed that the plants cultivated in vitro in presence of BAP have greater multiplication rate. In general, the micropropagated plants showed higher phenolics content. The field plants presented high content of flavonoids. The production of the micropropagated plants is viable and their phenolcis and flavonoids contents were similar to values found in cultivated plants.





Artigos originais = Original Articles