Morphoanatomy of pericarp and development the seeds Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (Pittosporaceae)


  • Adelita Aparecida Sartori Paoli


The morphoanatomy of pericarp and seed was studied aimed at providing subsidies for future taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological studies. This fruits capsular has unisseriad exocarp and endocarp. The out mesocarp is parenchymatous with vascular bundles associated with develop schizogenous ducts and idioblasts with druses. The ripe fruits ducts become larger and the associate sclerides before only to vascular bundle, only occur the all mesocarp. The pericarp structures observed to be in accordance with general descriptions of the Fabaceae. The ovule is anatropous and unitegmic. The seeds are unitegmic, albuminate, with exotest, mesotest and endotest. The embryo of type spatulet and hipocotyl-radicle minor axis.





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