Análise da implantação da disciplina Educação Ambiental no curso técnico em meio ambiente de um colégio federal
Was analyzed the implementation of the Environmental Education discipline in a secondary level technical education in environmental studies in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The theoretical and methodological framework of French Discourse Analysis was adopted to understand the meanings of EE mobilized in these different discourses and the relationship with their production conditions. The analysis of the curricular documents of the technical course was carried out and, interviews with the course coordinator and the teacher of the course were conducted. Also a questionnaire was applied to the teacher. Despite the hybridization of meanings of EE mobilized in the discourses, it was found that the meanings of EE focused on conservationism and sustainability were predominant. The approach of the subject is also influenced by meanings of EE more focused on ecological aspects, mobilized in the discourses of the course coordinator and the teaching teacher, which can be attributed to their training context. This research may contribute to provide a reflection in order to broaden the discursive formations of education professionals on the subject. The complexity of the subject is recognized, being foreseen in the official curricular documents with an interdisciplinary and transversal approach. Given the challenges encountered to address the topic multi or interdisciplinarily, it is concluded that the implementation of a specific discipline may be important to encompass EE within the course.