Critical Environmental Education, Popular Education and Permanence: fundamental concepts in educational action with the citizens of PEA-TP's citizen watch


  • Suely Fernandes Coelho Lemos Instituto Federal Fluminense
  • Silvia Alicia Martinez UENF





The article aims to analyze fundamental themes of the educational action developed by the Petroleum Territories project, of the Campos Basin Environmental Education Program (PEA-TP) with emphasis on the permanence of the subjects to the project. The actions developed by the project have as theoretical and methodological foundations Critical Environmental Education and Popular Education. In this sense, grounding and situating the research in this field and understanding the meanings of the term permanence, in an exercise of approaching this concept to the educational actions of the PEA-TP, required in-depth research. To do so, we went through the bibliographical and documental research. The study confirms that the critical perspective of Environmental Education and the principles of Popular Education are theoretical and methodological paths suitable for educational actions that encourage the permanence of subjects in the construction of knowledge that qualifies them for social control over the public management of royalty resources .

Author Biographies

Suely Fernandes Coelho Lemos, Instituto Federal Fluminense

Doutora em Educação (UNESA), Pedagoga/Pesquisadora, Instituto Federal Fluminense

Silvia Alicia Martinez , UENF

Doctor in Education (PUC-Rio). Associate Professor Laboratory of Education and Language Studies - UENF




