Climate Change perceptions in the context of formal education: a look to EArte platform publications


  • Mayara Palmieri Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ruan das Flores de Azevedo UFF
  • Raquel Gomes dos Santos USP
  • Izabela de Souza USP



This work sought to identify the perceptions of the research subjects regarding the theme of Climate Change from the content analysis of Environmental Education works published on the EArte platform, thus presenting the State of the Art. Among the ten works found, these perceptions were identified in eight of them. The publications were analyzed from two categories - teachers and students. It was verified that there is a perception of an anthropogenic nature about Climate Change, influenced by the media and with a vision of conservationist and resolutive Environmental Education. Finally, it was concluded that, despite the existence of Environmental Education practices that deal with Climate Change, the low number of publications found may be an indicator of the lack of interest in research of this kind, of few training centers and of insufficient dialogue between the university with the real socio-environmental problems of the population.

Author Biographies

Ruan das Flores de Azevedo, UFF

Doutorando em Biologia Marinha pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF.

Raquel Gomes dos Santos, USP

Mestranda em Ensino de Ciências pela Universidade de São Paulo – USP.

Izabela de Souza, USP

Mestranda em Ensino de Ciências pela Universidade de São Paulo – USP.

