The Value Dimension of Environmental Education (EE): Formational Aspects For A Transforming Practice
This article has as object of reflection the socio-environmental urgencies from the articulation between the EE field of knowledge and its dimensions, the teacher training aspects for the axiological perspective development and the contemporary educational demands. We situate this research with values as a constitutional dimension of the educator-environmental processes, showing its importance, we analyze its role and the mutually established relationships with the knowledge and politics dimensions that make up the environmental educational field. The values construction takes place as the subjects experience situations that lead to the taking attitudes and behaviors aligned with ethical and citizen conduct, so it is essential that educational practices provide such experiences to students. In this way, we point out that the realization of potential teaching and learning situations for the values demands development that the training processes for teaching go beyond the technicist/transmissive line, giving way to the continuation of practices based on the heterogeneity recognition of the educational environment, in dialogue, in the disciplinary knowledge interconnection to everyday life, in criticality, reflection and teaching autonomy. We defend the strengthening of the axiological perspective so that, combined with the other environmental educational process dimensions, the emancipatory, transformative and citizen commitments that are at the EE center are achieved.