Environmental Education in the School Context of the XI Research Meeting on Environmental Education
EPEA. Environmental education. School context. Curriculum. Public policy.Abstract
This article aims to present the reflections of the Environmental Education in the School Context Discussion and Research Group (GDPEACE), at the XI EPEA-2023. This Discussion and Research Group brings together productions that address the various identities of Environmental Education (EE), pedagogical practices, public policies, teaching, learning and curriculum. In this direction, the article presents sections on rural Environmental Education consolidated from the school context through the profile of the articles presented at the GDPEACE and the reflections raised by the social actors who attended the GDPEACE. Several research institutions were present in the submitted articles, such as the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), UNICAMP, Fiocruz, UnB and others. The Brazilian regions represented were the south, southeast, central-west and northeast. Of the 26 approved articles, all have a qualitative approach, in which the research participants were students, managers and basic education teachers. There is a perceived need to review the Basic Education curriculum and teacher training so that EE can be worked in a transversal, transdisciplinary and/or integrative way. This is a great challenge since official curricular documents such as the BNCC silence EE.
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